
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

{Free Printable Punny Kitten Valentines}

Hey, y'all!  I have this friend named Michelle who blogs at Michelle Paige, and she always has the cutest holiday ideas.  She's the queen of puns.  She recently posted a round up of lots of "punny" Valentines that she has created, and she keeps coming up with new ones all the time!  (You can find her round up here.)  She inspired me to make my own "punny" Valentine.
Free Printable Punny Kitten Valentines from Pitter and Glink #printablevalentine
I guess being an English teacher and a lover of words causes me to get the biggest kick out of puns.  When I began creating my own "punny" Valentine, I decided to play off of the kitten image: "Valentine, you're purrr-fect, and I'm not kitten."
Free Printable Punny Kitten Valentines from Pitter and Glink #printablevalentine
I made the printable purple because that's my niece's favorite color right now.  
You can download your own kitten Valentines {HERE}.  
Remember that all printables shared here at Pitter and Glink are for personal use only.
Free Printable Punny Kitten Valentines from Pitter and Glink #printablevalentine
Quick!  Go download them MEOW!  ;)

1 comment:

  1. LOVE this! They're absolutely purr-fect! Thanks for the blog mention, too! I'm honored! Your niece will love them!


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