
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

{Great Gatsby Quote Printable}

Hey, y'all!  Do you remember that sneak peek last post of the "something else" I sent Jess from Spool and Spoon?
Remember I promised to share it with you this week?  The time has come.  I told you that Jess, my Karing Card Club partner, loves The Great Gatsby, so to go along with the art deco inspired card I made her, I also sent her a little printable featuring a quote from the book.
I think the quote is beautiful.  (As an English teacher, I love words!)  I tried to make sure that the printable had an art deco look by using the damask pattern in the background and the scroll-y things in the corners.
And guess what?  You can download the printable for yourself for free!  You can put it on your inspiration board.  If you're an English teacher like myself, you can hang it somewhere in your classroom.  Or you can use it as decor for a Great Gatsby party.  :)
Feel free to download the print for your own personal use--you may not claim the image as your own, resell, or redistribute it.  To download the printable, simply click on the arrow with the line under it.  I created the printable to be a 5x7.  To attempt to print it any other size, do a print preview to ensure the entire image fits in the size you want to print it.


  1. Beautiful! The quote and the printable :) Thanks Bethany!

  2. You're right Bethany it is a lovely quote. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I love this quote!! Great printable, printing it out now!

  4. Thank you again for this! It has a proud place of it's own on the bookshelf in my office. (And, holy gorgeousness, batman! That vintage jewelry is drool worthy!)

  5. What a lovely quote and beautiful printable.


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