Thursday, January 17, 2013

{Winter Wreath}

Hey, y'all!  Today I want to share my very inexpensive winter wreath with you.
I've had my Clemson wreath up since the beginning of football season, but I decided it was time to take it down.  When my husband and I were doing some after Christmas shopping at Target, I found the perfect supplies to make a new wreath for winter!
I bought several packages of tinsel garland and a lot of winter-themed ornaments.  Of course, everything was like 70% off.  I also bought a wreath form from the dollar store.
I started by attaching the end of a tinsel garland to my wreath with a silver pipe cleaner.  I wrapped the whole garland around and then fastened the end to the wreath with another pipe cleaner. 
I used two packages of tinsel garland and a little bit of another one to completely cover my wreath.  Then it was time to attach my embellishments.  I REALLY wanted to use the polar bear and penguin ornaments, but I could never find an arrangement with them that I liked.  I settled for a bow and snowflake ornaments.
I had some striped ribbon I bought at an after Christmas sale last year that I used to make a large bow.  I had some smaller ribbon in my craft stash that coordinated with the striped ribbon.  I threaded lengths of those through my snowflakes.  I attached all those to the wreath with a pipe cleaner, and, voila, I had a finished winter wreath!
I love how the wreath pops against my green door!
And I hope that just maybe the snowflakes will be a welcome sign for some REAL snow to come visit.  I guess I shouldn't hold my breath, though, because it's 75 degrees here today...
Nonetheless, it was nice to be able to put some after Christmas deals to use before next Christmas!  You should check out your stash because you may just have the makings of a winter wreath yourself!


  1. It turned out so cute! well, I hope you get the snow you want.. i personally would rather have none! I think were supposed to get some today. oh well.. what will be will be!
    enjoy your 75 degrees.. its about 20 here!
    happy day

  2. So cute!! I love Target clearance. I'm there so much they recognize me. lol. And I love your green door!

  3. Love this! On my list for things to make next Christmas (although I already have like 5 holiday wreaths!)

  4. Very cheery and wintery also. Wreath really does pop against your door which I love the color of.
    What would we do without the $ stores? I read about so much great stuff people find at $stores but by the time I can go it's all gone, doggone it. Think of the money I save that way, lol.
    I'm thinking about what my winter wreath will be made of. Hmmmmm.I have lots of pine cones so there's a good starting point and a burlap wrapped wreath form. Ok gotta go make my winter wreath. Happy days.

  5. Only you can make the reject Christmas clearance items turn into a super cute wreath! Love it!

  6. I love this wreath! I've seen it at a few link parties, and I just think it's awesome! New follower!

    T'onna @ Submarine Sunday

  7. Adorable! It's the perfect "post Christmas" wreath to get you through til spring! Adorable! Thanks for sharing at Pinworthy Projects ;). Sharing on My Favorite Finds FB page!

  8. Love this! Featuring you tomorrow from Pinworthy Projects.

  9. Hi,
    We found you from the Six Sisters Blog Hop. You have some great ideas and we would like for you to share with our readers too. We are hosting our first link party tomorrow and we would like to invite you to link up with us. We have a fun blog to co-host with us. Hope to see you there.

    The Busy Bee's,
    Myrna and Joye.


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