
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

{Sad to Fab Table Makeover}

There's not much I love more than a good furniture makeover, especially when it costs next to nothing!  No, I haven't been digging in my neighbor's trash again.  My uncle recently found a table with a cracked leg and some table legs from an unsalvageable table, and, of course, he thought of me.  :)  He brought them to me, and with the help of my dad, I now have a fabulous-looking table in my craft room
 I don't have a true "before" photo, but I have bits and pieces so you get the idea of what it looked like before.  This is the table top as I was sanding it down.
I sanded the varnish off, and in the picture, I've done the top half but not the bottom.  As I mentioned before, the table had a cracked leg.  My dad fixed that for me.
We took off all the table legs and replaced them with the other table legs my uncle brought.  Wasn't I lucky that they fit?!  Then it was time for my favorite part: stain and paint!
I used a dark Minwax stain that my dad had in the garage.  I brushed it on, then wiped it off with a rag.  (Yes, that is actually me in an "in-progress" photo.  My mom snapped it while I was working.) When the table top dried, I covered it with trash bags and primed and sprayed the table base white.  After a few coats of polycrylic, my table now looks fabulous!
I LOVE using a satin polycrylic on the pieces I refinish!  It has just enough shine without being too shiny.
I am really loving the dark wood top paired with the white base.  I so want to find a dresser to use this pair on!
Since the table is small, it fits well in the middle of my craft room.  I love having two surfaces to work on now.  I pull all kind of junk out when I'm working on a project, and now I have two places to put said junk.  :)  If you haven't seen my craft room reveal you can find it {HERE}.  Thanks for visiting me today!


  1. LOVE how you redid this table! I have a table just waiting for me to work on...pinning your masterpiece to remind me! Thanks.

  2. It's gorgeous! Looks amazing in your craft room and I love the table top. A nice touch, xoxo

  3. Very cool! I've been looking for a table for my craft room to replace a small desk and my cutting table. It's been a real pain in the butt. :) Apparently Albuquerque is all about the veneer. It looks great! Is that polyacrylic spray paint or did you buy paint and use a sprayer?

  4. AMAZING. What a beautiful table in such a beautiful craft room. I am really jealous :)

  5. LOVE! Great job Bethany. It looks perfect in your room.

  6. WOW! I seriously LOVE this table makeover! It looks great in your craft room :) I NEED to know where you found your's beautiful!!

    1. Thanks, Brooke! The rug came from Urban Outfitters. :)

  7. I had a table like that when Seb and I first moved in together... not I wish I would have kept it!!! LOVE what you did!!

    Thanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer.. From Dream To Reality!

  8. Your craft room just gets better and better! Great job on the table.

  9. This turned out really great!! Found you on DIY dreamer link party and am now following! Would love it if you would stop by and visit :)

    -Fotini { }

  10. Bethany,

    As usual you did a fantastic job on this. I am always amazed at how skilled you are, not only at crafts but with the tools as well! Can I borrow your Dad and Uncle so I can have someone find me great pieces and help me repair them too?!! Lucky girl, you get the DIY gene for your Dad for sure!

    Hope the school year is going well,

  11. I love your table! It looks absolutely fabulous! I have been wanting to do this to my kitchen table but I am scared.

  12. Bethany that is beyond fab. You did an amazing job! This is such a creative post. I would love it if you would share this post at our WIW linky party. Hope you can join us. :-)


  13. Found and followed you through 36th Avenue's link party. I just love your blog! Feel free to stop by mine as well :)


  14. Fantastic! I need to do something with my 13 year old hand me down table we got for our wedding!

  15. Wow- remarkable...just a little know how and elbow grease! Inspiring...You are welcome to link up on tomorrow's Photo Friday over at Ladies Holiday! Cheers!

  16. That looks AMAZING! I found you at a link party. My twin sister and I blog at

  17. Found you from the linky party. I love your table! My kitchen table looks very similar!
    Feel free to follow back!

  18. Amazing. I had a similar table, I painted white with outdoor paint and dry brushed with a gray - looks great on my patio.

  19. I just redid this EXACT table for my schoolroom. Dark top and white legs too, I love it. Looks amazing! And what sweet family to think of you when coming across trash! (wink) Ps- your craft room is incredible!
    Stacia @

  20. Very well done...great job and it looks really nice in your room on that rug!

  21. This looks simply amazing. I love what you have done to the table and the white legs. I think your craft room is looking fantastic.

  22. Great table! I took a tour of your craft room again! Fan-tabulous!!!

  23. What a change. It looks so great, good job! I love the pop of the dark wood. I am a co-host to a three blog link party, tip-toe thru Tuesday. I would love to see you link this us, if you have time. The party starts at 6am, on Tuesday morning. Have a great week. Christy

  24. This is so funny that I found this post today, because I am working on her twin:) I'm still painting, so it will be just a tad bit longer before I post it. Yours looks great in your craft room....CUTE room!!!


  25. This is such a gorgeous new look for your table, Bethany--my husband and I are working on two bookcases for our living and dining rooms in this same color scheme, and I'm working on a little cabinet piece in the same colors as well! I just am in love with this color combination and wanted to try it out in our home. Your piece turned out so beautifully and looks lovely in your craft room--very inspirational as I continue work on ours!

  26. Love this! I'm trying this on my dining room table soon!

    Love Always,

  27. Everything you do is FABULOUS! If you'd ever be interested in guest posting on my blog let me know! (Do you have a house tour...for my dreamy dwelling series, I'm seriously crushing on your rug!) Email me and we can chat. itsoverflowing at gmail {dot} com. XO, Aimee

  28. PS I'm featuring you tomorrow. XO, Aimee

  29. Such a great transformation. We currently have a honey toned maple table similar to yours and I'd love to do something like this. Pinning for later!

  30. Really pretty! And now I really need a craft room, too - if it looked anything like yours! =)

  31. Hello. Can you share the name/color of the stain that you used? I'd like to use it in a few projects that I'm working on. Thank you!

    1. Hi! I think it was Minwax's Dark Walnut. The container is at my dad's house, but I'm pretty sure that's what it was.

    2. Thank you so much! We have the same table, I think. We did a whole re-do on it this weekend after being inspired by your blog. We subbed the white bottom for dove gray and did two of the chairs in turquoise and two in the gray. Totally stumbled on your blog on Saturday and I'm in love! Thanks for the great tips!!


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