
Thursday, September 27, 2012

{PB Inspired Pumpkin Art}

I have a fun project to share with y'all today!
While browsing the Pottery Barn website for fall decor ideas, I came across this pillow.
Pumpkin Applique Pillow Cover from Pottery Barn
How cute is this?  I'm not really a have-lots-of-extra-seasonal-pillows kind of gal.  So I decided to use this as inspiration for a piece of art.  First, I sketched a pumpkin like the pumpkin from my inspiration piece.
You can right-click on the image and save it to use as a pattern yourself.
Then I cut out the sketched pumpkin and used it as a pattern to cut a piece of drop cloth.  (I would have loved to use a dark brown burlap or corduroy, but I didn't have any, and I don't live near a craft store.)
I then used white thread and a needle to sew the stitches on the drop cloth cutout.

I covered a canvas with book pages using Mod Podge.
I then glued my pumpkin to the canvas with hot glue.  I also used hot glue to layer fabric and burlap pieces on my pumpkin just like they were laid out on my sketch.
I cut a stem out of felt and glued it to the pumpkin, and I glued twine to the piece to create vines and lines.  And since the pumpkin didn't quite stand out like I wanted it to against the canvas, I rubbed a brown ink pad along the edges and over the top of the pumpkin.
I love the finished piece of art!
I think the pumpkin would stand out even better if you used a dark burlap for the base fabric, and it would look even more like the inspiration piece.
With that being said, though, I really like the monochromatic look of the piece, and I love the layers and the different textures!


  1. This is fabulous! You are so talented!

  2. oh hooooooo hooooooo! love all the mediums you used: fabric, thread, twine, mod podge, etc. Love this piece. Beautiful. Great job Bethany! You are such a crafting studette! :)

  3. What a great project! I love how it all came together!



  4. You are so clever to be inspired that way ! Thank you for sharing your sketch as well, that's very helpful. xo

  5. Bethany that is seriously cute! What a great way to make a PB piece your own! I like the sign much better than the pillow!

  6. So stinkin' cute!!! I LOVE it! Great idea to use a PB catalog for inspiration!

  7. Love it!
    I can not wait to try to make one!

  8. Ian going to start following your blog, young lady! You are incredibly talented and your pumpkin is charming! I may just try this!

  9. This is amazing!!! and thank you for Linking up to Design Thoughts Fall party ;)

  10. Very cute!! And I love the colors just the way they are!

  11. You are FABULOUS!! How amazing is that art! LOVE IT!!

    Thanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer... From Dream To Reality!

  12. What a great pumpkin! I love the natural look of it.

  13. Hi, Bethany

    I love this idea. You are awesome!


  14. A lovely project Bethany. Thank you for linking up this week at Shabbilicious Friday.

  15. Thank you so much for linking up at the Primp Your Pumpkin Party...just wanted to let you know that I featured your fabulous pumpkin art today! Hope you are having a wonderful week!

    Jessica @ Mom 4 Real


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