
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

{A Relative's Rockin' Rocking Chair}

My cute cousin is a teacher like me, but she teaches little kids.  
At the end of the summer, she found a rocking chair on Lessons Learned that she really liked.  She enlisted my help to create a version of the chair that she would love.  We started with a rocking chair that had been sitting on her parents' front porch.
She sanded the chair down, and we primed it with Kilz spray primer.  After the primer dried, we sanded the roughness off that was left by the primer.  Then we painted the chair with white latex paint.  When it dried, we started applying different colors of paint to different areas of the chair, and we stenciled her name on the top of the chair.  We also Mod Podged scrapbook paper polka dots to the arms of the chair.  When everything was dry, we sprayed the chair with a few coats of clear spray paint to protect the paint.  She now has a cute rocking chair in her classroom!
Sadly, I didn't have my camera with me to take final pictures, so I used my cell phone.  Please forgive the poor quality of the photos.
My cousin's new rocking chair is different from the rocking chair she found online, but this chair is HER, and she loves it!  Plus, we had a lot of fun creating this "masterpiece" together.  :)


  1. adorable! I bet her teacher pals are wishing they had one too!
    have a great day.

  2. I loves it! I'm sure all the kiddos in her class are going to fight to sit in it. I just know it. :)

  3. Craft projects you can do with someone you love make the best memories. This chair *rocks*.

    1. Well said, wish I had thought of it! lol, (this chair rocks!)

  4. this looks awesome! and, the pictures turned out great! i love that her name is on it too. how awesome.

  5. How pretty! I love the colors you picked! I think the Polka Dots are so cute <3 Thanks for sharing!

  6. Oh how fun! It's so adorable and so very Early Childhood. Love it! I have a director's chair in my room. Perhaps I should jazzy it up...???

  7. So fun and perfect for the classroom! I bet the kids love it, too!

  8. LOVE IT!!! You ladies did a FAB job as usual. =)

  9. Now THIS is adorable!! ;) Love it!! And hope you can come share it over at my trendy tuesday party!


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