
Thursday, August 2, 2012

{Rolled Fabric Flower Necklace}

I am a huge fan of blogs!  I follow a bajillion of them.  I'm also a huge fan of Pinterest.  A lot of times, I see blog posts or pins, and I think, "One day I'm going to make one of those."  Well, recently I was banished to my sunroom while some construction was going on inside my house.  To pass the time, I decided to make my own version of a necklace I've seen different places around the web.
If you want an in-depth explanation of how to make a necklace like this, check out {this post} by Pattern Runway.  I'm just going to give you a brief rundown of what I did to make my version.
Step One:  Make rolled fabric flowers and embellish with beads.
Step Two: Arrange the flowers on a piece of paper the way you want them to appear on your necklace.  Trace the arrangement and cut out.
Step Three: Use the paper as a pattern to cut a piece of felt.
Step Four: Glue jump rings to your felt.
Step Five: Glue your flowers to your felt and glue or sew any extra embellishments to the flowers if you'd like.
Step Six: Attach chain and a clasp to your flower "bib," and you have a brand new necklace.
I may have added too many beads and rhinestones to the necklace for some people's taste, but I was banished to the sunroom for a LONG TIME.  :)
As you can see, I have worn my necklace already.  You may be surprised that I didn't make a pink necklace.  I originally made the necklace to go with a ruffled tube top I planned on making.  Let's just say the ruffled tube top was a major craft fail.  To wear it, the ruffle would have had to go on the inside, or the side seams would have had to go on the outside.  This is the reason why sewing is not my favorite.  Luckily, I had a tank top that matched the necklace, so I still got to wear it even though the top was a flop.  :)  Since I shared my craft fail with you, what has been your worst craft fail to date?


  1. I love the addition of the beads and rhinestones. Looks like it was a good thing you were hauled up in your sunroom for a very long time :). Really beautiful necklace!

  2. It's incredibly cute! I think the beads and rhinestones are lovely. :)

  3. Gorgeous colors! What a beautiful necklace! Biggest craft fail for me was some painted baby food jars that I put water in...what a mess!

  4. Turned out great! I love love love the colors :)

  5. I love your necklace and the colors that you used. I just started my blog and would like to know how you keep track of the blog parties that you link up to. Thanks, Shelly from

  6. What a pretty necklace!

    I am now following you on Pinterest.

    I also wanted to invite you to my blog. I just began a new linky party entitled “Friday’s Favorite Pin” where you link up your favorite pin of the week. And yes, it can be your own creation.

    Have a lovely weekend.

  7. I think it's perfect just the way it is - it looks beautiful on! Love the fabrics you chose ... makes me want to go buy some fabric so I can try this ... hmmm...weekend project brewing LOL

  8. Your necklace turned out awesome!!! I love the colors and beads that you used!!!

  9. This is gorgeous, love the color and gems!

  10. Your necklace is beautiful and looks so great on you!

  11. That necklace is AWESOME! I read "teach high school students & craft at night" and knew I needed to follow. I really like how you embellished the flowers with pretty baubles. Great tutorial and I look forward to reading your future posts.

    (Found you via the Classy Clutter link up)
    ~Jana Faith

  12. Beautiful! I love the colors you used!

  13. My favorite colors!!!! This necklace is awesome. I love how big it is, and you can never have too many rhinestones! I just became your newest follower, I'd love it if you hopped over to my brand new blog, and if you like what you see, follow me too!

  14. Very pretty! I’d love for you to link up this (and any other ideas you’d like to share) at "One Creative Weekend" on

  15. You did a great job! I love the colors - so fresh and summery! I wish I was crafty - I love these kinds of necklaces...maybe a little too much! Thanks for linking up on my FB page!

  16. I think it looks GREAT! not to many rhinestones or beads! I've been wanting to make one of these too. Thanks for the inspiration and for sharing. Found your post from the Weekend Wrap Up Linky Party!

  17. This is gorgeous! I just adore the turquoise color you chose to create your bib necklace.. Can't wait to try this.. such a wonderful tutorial!

  18. Love your site! Full of interesting crafty projects. I have a few DIYs on my site, come and check them out too :-)


  19. This is beautiful!!! Not too much bling for me! My worst fail (recently) is a pair of spray painted glitter shoes that cracked the second I put them on and got scraped and ruined before I even left the house ;)

  20. So Very pretty! Love that you added the beads to the flowers, takes them up a notch! So glad you shared your creative inspiration with Sunday’s Best – your creativity helped make the party a success!

  21. Hi! I’m visiting from the Financial Friday link up - this is so pretty - very creative! Please visit me at

  22. This rolled fabric necklace looks great! We'd love to include this as a how-to on Interested? Feel free to email me at

  23. You did a beautiful job on ther necklace Bethany and that colour really suits you too.
    Thanks for linking up at Shabbilicious Friday.

  24. I think this turned out adorable. Great job!

  25. It's so pretty, Bethany! I love the colors and the beads are so pretty. This is one of those projects I would love to do but who knows if I'll get around to it... too bad I don't have a sunroom to be banished to ;) Love it! And thank you so much for sharing this at my Throwback Thursday party. I hope to see you again this week!

  26. This is GORGEOUS! Wow, what a beautiful necklace. Great job.

  27. I want it Bethany!!! PLEASE!!!

    Thanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer.. From Dream To Reality!

  28. CONGRATS!!! You have been featured at The DIY Dreamer.. From Dream To Reality! Come on over and grab your featured button! You deserve it :)

  29. Love your necklace! So pretty! I have been wanting to make one as well after seeing them around Blog Land but just haven't yet.

  30. This is beautiful. I actually bought a similar necklace from GroopDealz. It's nice to see the steps involved in making your own.


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