
Thursday, August 16, 2012

{Make Life Beautiful & a Free Printable}

I really try to be an optimist.  I'm not Pollyanna by any means, but I try not to always look at the bad side of things.  I try to always be thankful for what I have.  I'm not perfect at this.  Sometimes I get in a "funk," and it seems that all I can see is what I'm lacking and how I don't measure up to those around me.  But I'm learning more and more each day that no matter what my struggles or your struggles are, our attitudes make all the difference.  
So what is my point in all of this?  I want to challenge you to do something important every day...
We can choose each day to make life beautiful through our attitudes.  We can choose to look at the bright side.  We can choose to smile at the stranger in line behind us at Walmart.  We can choose to react with self-restraint and patience when dealing with a difficult person or situation.  These small gestures can make life beautiful for us and those we come in contact with.  

YOU can be a small piece of beauty for someone who feels his or her life is drab and gray.  

As a craft blogger, this phrase also has another meaning to me.  I can make life beautiful through my projects.  Taking something destined for the trash and giving it a new life is a huge way to make life beautiful, and so is making the space around me beautiful.  
I encourage you to try out this "philosophy" each day.  No, I didn't come up with this phrase.  I'm sure a quadrillion people have said it before, but it's worth saying again.  And, plus, I made y'all a free printable! :)

Feel free to download this image for your own personal use--you may not claim it as your own, resell it, or redistribute it.  Click on the arrow with the line under it, and the file will download to your computer.  Pin the image if you'd like, but please give me credit.  :)  
Make life beautiful!


  1. Thanks so much for posting this, you really helped me this morning. I've suffered from chronic depression my whole adult runs in my family. Most days with my meds, I can keep it at bay. Other days it just creeps up on me. Sometimes it is even revealed in my art. But, you are so right. We each can make the difference. Thanks again from a fellow blogger. Blessings, Deborah

  2. I love the "Make Life Beautiful" picture. I found your blog from Whimsy Wednesday. Love the craft room. Love absolutely everything about it. I thought I'd check out the "rest" of your blog and I'm really enjoying it. --I'm a new follower and I look forward to reading more of your posts. :)

  3. a lovely post and a free downloadable too. Thank you, Hugs!

  4. What a beautiful post along with a beautiful printable. I love that reminder to 'make life beautiful', what a simple concept that can have such BIG meaning.

  5. Thanks for this encouraging reminder! Totes needed!

  6. Hi Bethany!
    Just wanted to let you know that I gave you a Blog award @
    Amie @ Pinkapotamus

  7. What a beautiful person you are! Inside and out! Love this post and your blog angel post. I wish I was your blog angel!

  8. Life is about making it beautiful, so simple yet so easily forgotten! Thanks for your encouragement and uplift. Did you know you were featured on Saturday? Thanks for sharing your creative inspiration with Sunday’s Best – you helped make the party a success!


Thanks for taking the time out of your busy day to leave an awesome comment! :)