
Friday, June 8, 2012

{Book Page B}

Earlier this week, I had the pleasure of hanging out at Through the Eyes of the Mrs.  Beth (We almost have the same name!) invited me to share a project, so I shared how I created my book page B.  Y'all probably know by now that I like finding ways to use book pages in my crafts.  Recently when putting the finishing touches on my craft room makeover, I needed a little something to add to a vignette in the room.  I had a paper mache B in my craft stash, and I have LOTS of old books that I've bought from thrift stores.  I decided to combine the two with Mod Podge to create a vintage looking B.

I tore the book pages into different size pieces.  I like using pages that have different yellowish tints to them and that have different size print because they add interest.  I coated sections of the letter with Mod Podge and layered the paper.

When I finished covering the letter with the paper, I let it dry.  Then I got out my brown and black ink pads and rubbed them over the edges and some of the surface of the letter.

I covered the letter with a coat of Mod Podge to protect the paper, and my B was complete.

I love the aged look of the letter.

It's the perfect addition to the vignette I created on the table my dad and I made.

It's a small piece that adds a great personalized touch.

 Little pieces like this letter are what make a room design fun and unique.  It would be great to be able to afford pieces from great stores like Pottery Barn or Ballard Design.  Those pieces just aren't in my budget, though, and, in reality, they are pieces lots of other people have.  So don't be afraid or ashamed of creating inexpensive, unique pieces that make your home scream YOU.



  1. Love it Bethany!
    I hope you'll be linking this up at Shabbilicious Friday this week :)

  2. Cute cute cute! Love this.. I need to do one.

    And Im jealous you got to spend time with Beth! Shes such a sweethart!

  3. Love it! We have a lot of "B"s everywhere since it's the first letter of our last name. I actually have the same letter in my cupboard..I think I may try this idea...thanks for the inspiration!

  4. That looks fantastic! I love the ink on the edges. It gives it the perfect aged look. Good job!

  5. This looks beautiful, really nicely done!

  6. This is one of my favorite elements in your craft room! It came out beautifully. I really liked what you said about store bought versus handmade, not only is your nicer (truly!) but as you said, you have something original. I like Pottery Barn and Ballard too, but it is nicer to have a room that is unique than a catalog!

    So jealous I don't live closer and we couldn't hang out! ;-(

  7. It came out really sweet and does add a lot to the already fun and interesting setting. Thanks for sharing it. Found your post at Classy Clutter.

  8. Your "B" turned out super cute! Love it on the table you and your dad made. Visiting you from It's Overflowing.

  9. I love decoupage and your letter is really cute! I'm visiting from It's Overflowing.

  10. Looks like the perfect addition to your table. :) Megan

  11. "B"eautiful! I love everything about this project. You had me at Modge Podge. Great tutorial too.

  12. This is B for Beautiful! Love the book page Mod Podge! Hope you will share with my Pink Hippo party @
    I am your newest follower~
    Amie @ Pinkapotamus

  13. I love this! It would be perfect for my husband's office! I would love for you to share this at my link party

  14. This is great. I love things using book pages! Thanks for sharing at our Pinteresting Party.


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