
Monday, April 9, 2012

{My Vacation & a Dollar Store Cupcake Stand}

Hey, y'all!  I've missed you!  The week before last, my husband and I celebrated our seven year anniversary.  And last week was our spring break, so we decided to spend a few days in Charleston, South Carolina.  

We stayed in the same inn where we went on our honeymoon.  

We ate a lot of great food, but we tried to balance that with walking a lot.  There are lots of touristy activities to do in Charleston, and we've done a lot of those before, but our favorite thing to do is just walk around the beautiful city and take pictures.  

It was so nice to get away!  Then the end of the week, I frantically worked on my project for the final round of Creative Bloggers Got Talent.  There were several setbacks and even some tears, but I hope what I was able to get done is enough to win!  I have really felt out of the blogging loop, though.  So if you commented on a post last week, thanks so much!  And if you posted something awesome on your blog, I hope I am able to check it out.

Anyway today, I'm going to share with you how to make a dollar store cupcake stand.  (I originally did this as a guest post for Craftbotic.)

  • Dollar store pillar candle plate
  • Dollar store taper candle holder
  • Martha Stewart paint (and a paint brush, of course)
  • E-6000 Adhesive
Step One:
Gather your dollar store supplies.

Step Two:
Clean the pieces with rubbing alcohol.

Step Three:
Paint your pieces with Martha Stewart's new paint from Michaels.  (The paint comes in so many yummy colors, and it's great for many different surfaces.)  I used several coats of the pearl paint, followed by a coat of the glitter paint in a matching color.

Step Four:
Bake your glass pieces.  You read that right!  You must bake the pieces in order for the paint to fully adhere to the glass.  (That or wait 21 days, and, seriously, who wants to wait that long for paint to dry?!)  I found directions on the Martha Stewart website in the comment section for baking the paint:
"After drying for one hour, place in cool oven.  Set temperature at 350 degrees Fahrenheit and bake for 30 minutes.  (Glass must heat gradually.)  After 30 minutes, turn the oven off.  Let glass cool completely in oven.  Don't use for 72 hours."

Step Five:
Glue the candle stick to the bottom of the candle plate using E-6000.  Follow the directions on the package.

Step Six:
Enjoy your brand new cupcake stand!

I didn't have a cupcake when I got ready to take my pictures, so I used a flower instead.  The great thing about this project is that you can use the cupcake stand as a candle holder.  Or you can stack finger food on it.  It's a very versatile party (or everyday) piece!

I love the color.

I love the pearly look of the paint too.

Can you believe that this only cost $2 plus supplies?  For that price, you can make as many as you want in every shade of Martha Stewart pearly paint in existence! 



  1. I love the paint you used! I made one with the exact same pieces from my dollar store! (I spray painted mine purple.)

  2. very cute and creative idea!!

  3. Happy anni! Looks like yall had a great time! And the cake stand is fab!

  4. Looks so pretty with the pink flower. Great find

  5. Ooooo, love the cake stand. I have been wanting to make a few of these, thanks for the inspiration.
    Smiles, Paula

  6. Happy Anniversary. What great pics and beautiful cupcake stand!! I love that Martha paint.

  7. These are beautiful! I've been trying to find something to display my cupcakes on at the farmer's market, these would be perfect! I'd like to invite you to link up at Sweet & Simple Sunday. It's going on all week over at Cups by Kim! Hope to see you there!

  8. I totally want to make some of these! So glad you had a nice Spring Break! Can't wait to see your winning project!!

  9. Wow, so perfect, Love that color! Thanks for the great idea!

  10. Very Very VERY Pretty!! I especially like the color you took!

    Thanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer... From Dream To Reality!

  11. I love the paint finish on this. Gorgeous!!

  12. you are a life-saver...i am in desperate need of a {cheap} cake/cupcake stand. Thank you!

  13. Ohhh what a lovely cake stand, such a great idea! Congratulations on your anniversary, so sweet to stay in the same place as your honeymoon.

  14. Happy belated anniversary! Charleston is a pretty place to visit! I love the cupcake stand...the paint really makes it special! I love the color. Thanks for sharing your project at the Rock N Share!

  15. charleston is on my must travel to list. it looks so amazing. and i love the color of your cupcake stand.

  16. your Charleston photos! Great DIY project...thanks for sharing it. I "pinned" it from the Pinteresting party at "Classy Clutter".

  17. I love to make cupcakes so this idea is right up my alley! Come check out my easy recipe for Peanut Butter frosting when you get a minute, Cheers, MGal

  18. Awesome!!! This would have been lovely just glued together but the painting takes it to another level. You are so creative and thanks for such great details in your tutorial! Thank you for linking to Frugal Treasures Tuesday. I look forward to what you share at the next party. : )

  19. Thanks for these valuable info! More power!

  20. Love this! Thanks for an inexpensive project. It is also so important that you told us about baking the glass, because I used the Martha Stewart paint on plastic eggs and it didn't work. Probably doesn't work on plastic, but i didn't know. Anyway, this came out beautifully and the color really makes it special.

  21. your cupcake stand turned out fabulous! Happy (belated) anniversary.


  22. Was wondering If the paint was food safe?

    1. I'm not sure if the paint is food safe or not. The bottle says it's safe for the top rack of the dishwasher, and you could always use a paper doily on the surface of the plate to make sure the food didn't touch the paint.

    2. it is not yet been food approved :(

  23. I was wondering if you only painted the underside of the plate and left the top untouched? Asking because I too was wondering if it is food safe? I know the painted ones are not, but wasn't sure after baking them. Very pretty cake stand!

    1. Hi, Annette! I painted the top and bottom of the plate, but if you used a darker paint, I think you could probably just paint the underside of the plate and it would still look good. Or you could use a paper doily on top of the cake plate like I mentioned to Anonymous. Thanks for stopping by and commenting! :)

  24. Thank you for linking up this lovely project!!!

    You are featured in this weeks post !!!! please grab the "i have been featured button "

    This week’s linky party is up, i would love you to stop by and link up another fabulous project....
    Claire x

  25. What an awesome tute! (I found my way here via Crafting Rebellion's recent post on Web finds)

  26. This is such a great idea and tutorial. I'm going to pin it, even though I just know that as I type this, there is going to be a run on these items at the dollar store! : )

  27. Did you bake the glitter paint? On one site I read not to bake it! However I really want to!

  28. Hey! This looks awesome! I just made a few but I have not baked them yet. I read on one site not to bake the glitter paint. Did you bake it? Did anything happen?? Thanks!

    1. Hi, Kathryn! I baked the glitter paint, and nothing bad happened, so I guess it's okay. ;)

  29. Do I have to use this specific kind of spray paint? I did not get this kind and just want to make sure it will stillwork. Thank you!

    1. Hi, Laurie! The paint I used isn't a spray paint. It's a brush on paint that sticks well on glass after you bake it. You could possibly use spray paint, but I don't know that it will hold up well to washing. I would suggest checking out some tutorials for spray painted mason jars to see how people get the paint to stick to the glass. Have a great day!

  30. Do I have to use this specific kind of paint or will any spray paint work?

  31. I love this and would love to share on my Weekend Sweet Spot!

  32. Did you set the glass on anything when you baked it in the oven?

    1. Hi, Jennifer! I just placed the glass pieces straight on my oven rack.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. If it dries in the oven, how do I paint both sides without the first painted side getting messed up when I turn it over to paint the other side? Is it sufficiently dry to do flip over in order to paint both sides, or did you choose a specific side to paint?

    1. You bake the piece to "cure" the paint. The paint will be dry soon after you paint it. Baking the pieces ensures that the paint fully adheres to the glass.


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